Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need some advice regarding me and my ex (relationship)?

Well this can sound abit complicated but i do feel like i need some advice. Well i once dated this girl we went out for 3 months and this was my first relationship. This was last year. (she ended it)

Recently me and this girl have been starting to get closer again i have told her how i feel and she likes me back. But i dont think this is entirely true for the fact when i am talking to her on a instant message thingo she never replies to me while i do know she is talking to other people. Usualy this wouldnt bother me but after hearing she likes someone else aswell i am starting to get worried. This goes the same for txting and all. I know this isnt such a big deal but i am stressing over it.

I guess even if any advice for helping me get over her will be helpful and appreciated, i dont know to many girls who i see as someone i can date because i dont look at any of my friends that way.

I know this is probably a stupid question or even hard to understand what im asking but any help about what should i do such as forget about her or keep trying to get her attention is appreciated.I need some advice regarding me and my ex (relationship)?
First thing you need to realize is that YOU GUYS BROKE UP FOR A REASON. as bad as it sounds, she dumped you and broke your heart and it will most likely happen again. Realistically YOU already know the answer yourself, but because you like her so much, you want to ignore yoru intuition and go back into a relationship with her.

The key point about a good relationship is communication. You need to realise the reason why she is doing this is playing HARD TO GET. you are being a SURE THING. if you want to put in some effort, and 'get the girl', stop talking to her for about 2-3 days and see if she tries to contact you first. A girl with her on mind 2 people, isnt really a good sign for a committing relationship. YOU DESERVE BETTER, men like you, who are so sweet and committing DESERVE BETTER, I say move on.

The pain of getting over someone you desire isnt easy, it will feel weird and you will feel a chuck missing out of you, like a void in your heart. Only time can heal this. Try and go out with your friends. Although people CAN stay friends with exs, it is very hard if one person still has feelings. I suggest you cut off communication.

Instead go out with your guy mates, a local sports game, the pub, or house parties are great way to meet new girls.

HOWEVER, it isnt my choice to choose whether or not you stay with her. IF you DO choose to stay with her YOU have to not get her attention to get her attention. If she knows you are always there, she ill take you for sure and play you around, if you make her earn your love, she will appreciate it. Often as females, we appreciate things after we lose them and realize truly how great they really are.

Good luck mate.I need some advice regarding me and my ex (relationship)?
Well if you want to try and win her heart I guess that is still possible. See what she likes and try to make her happy. Be sweet to her, make her laugh, ask her on some date and she if she wants to.

Best way is to just ask her out and work from there.

If you want to get over her (Oh man....I'm trying to get over some guy too and I got over one..), that can be a good idea too because you never know who might meet. I was trying to get over this guy and suddenly (very raondomly) i met a new guy and he fancy me now..

To get over needs time seriously and you basically need to find somethin to distract you. I know how hard it is when you like her and CANT find anyone else to like. I know how crap it feels when she doesnt reply back on IM, it seems like she doesn't care...and when she doesn't really reply back by sms too. I guess think about why you two broke up in the first place and think how she might not be wanting to work hard for a good relationship therefore you wil may end again.

Be careful, I hope she won't play around with you and try to flirt with the other guy too. You didn't tell me how old you are.. If you're at schoool..think about her as a distraction. Once it get serious...i mean 'serious', goodbye freedom. You might not be able to go out much with your mates , she might want to go flirt.... + you will have to worry about not seeing her and then you won't get any work done!!!!!

Being single is not bad, you give yourself some freedom to experiment and meet new people. You don't have someone behind you saying, 'Uh WHY YOU DOING THAT???????? LISTEN TO ME!!! Do this do that for me';. You get what i mean....

I'm single now and Im enjoying it.....................

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