Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice on how to keep my relationship strong?

I am head over heals in love with my boyfriend. We've been together for about 6 months now. He is amazing with my 2 kids and they absolutely love him. I really feel like he is the one for me. I have been VERY picky lately about who id want to be with and who i can see raising my children with me. I've never been married but if he were to ask me I would say YES!!

The reason I want advice is because of certain personality traits that we both have. He is a leo, and he fits the description perfectly. He is very stubborn at times and he craves attention. I am a scorpio, and I too fit the description perfectly. Stubborn and jealous.

Everything you read about scorpio/leo relationships says that there is no way that we will work because of our signs natural traits. We hardly ever argue but every time we have, for some reason, it gets blown way out of proportion.

I know that if I want it to work than I need to give up my stubborn ways and try to see things from his point of veiw at times. I just dont think that he gets that. I dont want to lose him. We are perfect for eachother. Can anyone give me any advise? Maybe something that helps you in your life...

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads all this. I know its pretty long.Any advice on how to keep my relationship strong?
Sounds like me and my boyfriend accept we have been dating 2.5 years. Man i tell you we have been thru some rough spots, including now..hes pretty depressed, and i have had to keep our household togeth(no kids) but finances and cleanliness around here. He is an agressive person who gets an attitude and i am a really patient person with a kind heart. the other day he told me we go hand in hand. Yes hes gotten pissed off and left for a few days... Yes I felt like leaving, but the one thing that has kept us going is love, we love the crap out of each other. We are exactly alike. Sometimes I think it clashes, but i never ever would want to leave this man. you just have to learn to be really patient, and try and keep your cool. My emotions used to be off the wall and i learned to control them.....Now when i get upset and the boyfriend leaves, I cry and cry, but i know i need to get back into the right frame of mind, so you know,I call my dad, he is the one person who i can trust and confide in. Really just try and distract yourself. If you really love this man, if he really loves you, you will do anything to make it me if youd like....we can tell all to each other...whitectsgirl@yahoo.comAny advice on how to keep my relationship strong?
All that Zodiac stuff is BS. Go with your heart. Good luck*

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