Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need some advice about relationships!?

I know this is going to be long but I hope you read the whole thing and can give me some advice! There is this guy that I started dating in the summer before my freshman year. I thought he was cool and I really liked him. After a year or so of us dating, he started to become controlling but I didn't see it like that because I thought I was ';in love'; with him. He started telling me he wanted to marry me and move in together and he has a whole plan for ';our life';. I kept the relationship going for 3 years and he never let me hang with my friends, I couldn't wear certain clothes when I wasn't around him, I couldn't text or get on the internet, he would flip out on me about the smallest things and he just controlled everything I did. It was rediculous but I thought I loved him so I stayed in the relationship. I tried ending it several times but everytime i tried he would threaten me or even threaten his life. I was scared so I just said we could try and work things out because I didn't know what to do. He would start freaking out and hyperventalating and I didn't want anything bad to happen. I told him we needed to take a break and he freaked out at first but told me as long as we still talk and see each other and no boys and everything rediculous like that then he would go for it so I agreed just to get a break from him. I was so sick of the relationship and I started hanging out with friends more often and I started hanging with this guy I went to school with. Well during the break me and him hit it off and I told him about my situation and he was okay with it and me and the new guy started dating. I told the controlling one that I didn't want to rush into a relationship again until we figured things out and I kept everything a secret becuase I was afraid what would happen. Well time has passed and im still with the new guy and the controlling one tells everyone we are still together, he calls me everyday, he still controlls everything I do and flips out if I do something he thinks is wrong. I want him to be out of my life but I don't know how to tell him without him freaking out and telling me he is going to kill himself. Im scared becuase im afraid he's going to hurt himself or even me. What should I do??I need some advice about relationships!?
This is what you do:

You have him meet you and you have to other people there. One male and and one female so that he does not feel out numbered. It needs to be someone you both know and someone you trust. You have this meeting with the four of you and you tell him that you don't want him in your life anymore. You tell him EVERYTHING you need to tell him and give him his chance to talk. DO NOT ';stay friends';. You agree to cut off ALL contact from that day on. At the end you kindly let him know that if for any reason he does contact you (call, text, e-mail, in person) you will then get the police involved. I have had to do this and it worked out fine.

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