My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years now. All of a sudden i've turned into one of those girls that I always hated! You know the type; insecure, doesn't want him haning out with his friends, always wants him with her. I know that I only hated those girls because they took my friends away from me but now that i'm in their shoes I don't know if i'm wrong or right. Here's the thing though, he started spending all his time with me for like 7 months and then all of a sudden he wants to start hanging out with his friends again. Well I got use to us spending so much time together that now I'm scared when he goes out with his friends he's going to cheat on me even though he's not the cheating type! Not only that but he acts different when he's with his friends, like I don't exhist. Tonight he told me he was coming over and then he decided to go out with his friends and then come see me later, I have to work in the morning and I know later means LATE! What do I do, am I wrong?HELP!! I need some advice on what to do in my relationship!?
No you are not wrong but you are going to have to set up some boundaries here - not o.k. to treat you like that. Tell him that if he wants to spend the evening with his friends that is o.k. with you but don't be coming over to me later.HELP!! I need some advice on what to do in my relationship!?
I know the part of the relationship where you spend so much time together and usually the woman gets really use to this. Then usually the guy gets to the point where he wants to spend time with his boys. That's cool, but it seems like your boyfriend may be a little immature because he should not leave you hanging. Really most mature men that I know can only spend so much time with the boys then they WANT to see the girlfriend. Something is odd about him spending too much time with his friend unless you are putting a 10 on it. For you in your spare time you need to find something to fill your time. Not just work and him. Go out with your friends or get a hobby. Met new people you seem to be too young to stress on one guy.
Okay, first of all, calm down... it's alright!
You are not ';wrong'; or ';right'; here. You're just a little confused, and that's completely undertandable.
You may feel insecure and unsure of how he's feeling and what's going through his head sometimes. This is normal... and basically, you sort of need to get used to it. Eventually, he will be more mature, and he'll learn not to just blow you off like that. You might gentley let him know how it made you feel though.
* The second thing here is: Don't be clingy! *
When you get that urge to be extra attached, that is exactly when you should conciously try to ';not care.'; Just pretend you don't care who he hangs with, when he sees you, or if he even sees you at all. Be especially cool and easy-going about things! Pretend you have total, 100% trust that he is faithful, and just be happy and carefree... even when he's kind of pissing you off. Your boyfriend will LOVE that. Men love to feel like they are free and unattached (even when they ARE attached, lol). This will definitely help you to keep from becoming ';one of those girls'; that you always hated.
So, just take a deep breath, play it cool, don't take anything he does too seriously, and you'll get past this. :-) Good luck!
well, my gf was the same way which is why we ended up breaking up every weekend i would go to spend time with her then one weekend i went to a Show with my brother and my friends and she couldnt go cuz it was a school night she swore that i cheated on her with some girl that night....all im trying to say is have faith in him guys need their time with their friends as well as with u...and if he truly loves you then u have absolutely nothing to worry about....and best u can do is just have as much trusyt in him until he proves unworthy of it cuz a relationship is nothing w/o trust....
speak up with him, i think you need to both understand which can be acceptable or not. And to the fact that 2 yrs is never been a joke so don't let anyone ruin your strong relationship..and a simple rule for ';a give and take ralationship'; ...well praying together helps a lot to every circumstances you go through...
ur not doing anything wrong.... i have been going through the same thing. ive become jealous too b4 i wasnt at all!!!.... keep your eye out for him cause what he is doing ditching you to spend ';time with his friends'; may be with another girl. so check on him for a lil. i let my guard down once before with my boyfriend cause he is not the cheating type and then POOF!!! he did cheat on me but that was cause other problems that we had. though that is not an excuse.
Let him hang out with his friends. Dont be controlling. The more you try and control it, the more he'll want to hang out with his friends. The reason he hung out with you all the time in the beginning is because he was having fun getting to know his new girlfriend. After a while, he starts to remember that he's neglected his friends. If his guy friends havent sat him down and yelled at him for ditching them, then he remembered on his own. He's trying to make up for lost time with his friends. Let him. You have to remember that he had his friends long before you came along, and they will always be important in his life.
Hi mamita
Well, if you really love and trust this guy you need to let him hang out with his friends! WHY? i know its hard and you always think eventhough his not the cheating type what if his friends influence him to do it... Take it from experience. Let him go. If you dont he will just do it behind your back, and that will be worse !! if he REALLY loves you he wont cheat or do anything he is not suppose to be doing. Take into considertation his age ?? And if he does do something wrong well his lost better yiou find out now then when your married with kids right !?!?!
Good Luck
** PS this is just a stage they go through. Trust me let him go when he cmes back he will love you better !!!
ohh and dont question him when he gets back. Sweety the truth always comes out !
the cruel honesty is he sounds BORED. you both entered a rutine and that turns people off... its boring.. CHANGE things surprise him with something new... like have you ever surprised him w dinner? simple as mac and cheese.! lol its cute..try it... blind fold him and take him somewr. wr ever.
If not ,,,YOu hang out with your friends... make him miss you and want you back again!!!
you are right in your position, but you wree wrong judging those girls. put yourself in other peoples shoes. though, you need to loosen up a bit on your paranoia cause you are taking your boyfriend away from his friends. talk to him about the sudden change and your feelings about it. then start hanging out with your firneds again, you know, have a good time. trust your gut, if you know he's not the cheating type then trust him he won't. but be on the look out and talk to him about this. good luck
yes you are wrong. i did the same thing with my gf. i hung out with her and only her for a while, then i realized that i needed to hang out with my friends again. so i started spending less time with her and she did the same thing you are doing. she started worrying that i was going to cheat on her even though im not the cheating type either. he probably just doesnt want to lose his friends. nothing to worry about. he wont cheat on you. you need to stop worrying about it. i broke up with this girl cuz i was tired of her worrying about me cheating on her and not trusting me.
At the end of the day i guess u have to think about it if he goes out and he cheats Will it literally be the end of the world i mean the ground breaks open and u get swallowed up, i don't think so. You will cry and be hurt but u will move on. However if u become controlling it can lead to HUGE problems in the rel and future rels. I believe the more restricting u become the more it pushes them away or into the dreaded arms of another woman.I think the key maybe to immerse yourself with ur friends make urself busy and exciting then he may see the fun hes missing out on act like he doesn't exhist! if all else fails there is plenty of fish in the sea
It doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore..It just means the honeymoon is over...He probably knows now that you will never leave, so he feels ok not giving you all of his attention. I don't think you're wrong feeling the way you do, but you really should talk to him about it...If his feelings for you have changed it's only right that you should know.
hes cheating later just to get laid im not sure though turn the tables start hanging with your friends and dont worry about bet he acts diffrent
You arent doing anything wrong, you are just in the transitional phase in your relationship. Its the phase where all of his friends are giving him the speech about how they never see him because you have him wrapped around your finger. Yeah guys tend to give that speech once they see a guy in a relationship happy and they are all alone.
The sad part is that our men are soooo smart that they always fall for it then they figure they have something to prove. I know how it is to get comfortable with something then to have it switched up and everything kinda feels different. The best thing you can do is be supportive, guys eat that up. Act like it doesnt bother you even if it does, you dont want to seem clingy if anything seem interested in his happiness.
All men act differently with their friends, it must be something in the food cause it just seems inevitable. You cant be with him all the time and so you have to trust that the 2 years that you have spent together means as much to him as it does to you. Now if say his friends do put him in a situation and he does cheat well then you know that he isnt the one for you and at least you know now, rather than later.
hold ur horses!!!! don't come to a conclusion until u know the facts... do u trust him enough??? if u do... then give him the benefit of the doubt... give him time wid friends 4sure u wud like to spend time wid ur friends too... if u trust him enough that he won't cheat on u... then thats good... don't be so selfish... let him enjoy life to himself and u should do it too... TRUST n UNDERSTANDING are major factors in a relationship...
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