Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice on College freshman/ High school senior relationship?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months and he is the first who said he loved me. He was worried he said it too soon but I assured him it was fine. We've been happy together and I think I've fallen in love with him. He's about to go to college and I'm afraid our relationship won't work out. He'll only be an hour away cuz thats how far his college is. I am a senior in high school still. He keep mentioning how he doesn't want us getting too attatched and me thinking that he's in it for marriage. Honestly I don't even wanna consider that right now. I love him but I don't wanna think that far into the future but it does bother me when he says stuff about us breaking up. He told me if I felt we were growing apart and that it wasn't working while he's in college to tell him and that we'd end it. He keeps saying he loves me but I'm wondering to what extent. I know he wants us to stay friends no matter wat and we each promised. I love him and I don't want to lose him.Advice on College freshman/ High school senior relationship?
You seem like a rational girl. My daughter was in this same situation except she was the one leaving first for college. Even though you and your bf are only 1 year apart, you are at the cusp of two separate stages in life. He is at the beginning of his next stage. What does he need to do to make it work? Let's see what he will be faced with: making new friends, involvement in organizations or student groups, studying a lot, maybe working - he'll be balancing a lot. Will he be able to dive into it freely if he is still connected to his previous stage in life? Maybe. My daughter did not and found herself at the end of her freshman college year with hardly any new friends to start the next year. I wished she would have stayed on campus more weekends instead of coming home to see her boyfriend, but sometimes moms don't know anything, ya' know. And what do you need to do to make your senior year work? You will have prom and planning for college. This will be the most fun of any other years of school. You will be moving out of the house soon so it would be nice to spend some quality time with your family this next year. None of this means that you two have to break up, but it's good to really think about how different your lives will be from last year or from what you're used to. Can you give the freedom he needs? Will you feel left out or jealous? Can he still enjoy your activities and friends when he visits? Some things new for you to think about, I hope. Good luck.Advice on College freshman/ High school senior relationship?
It sounds to me like he is confused. Or he has a commitment problem because he fears the unknown of the future. It sounds like he loves you, but he has the barrier up already that it wont work. Talk to him about it.
  • chap balm
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