Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What advice can you give for a long distace relationship?

I'm not having issues...i just wonder how it's done...i love him, and i trust him completely, as does him for me, it's odd though, he's a romantic, and cares so much about me, and would do anything for me...yet i think that the only reason i ';love'; him is the fact that he is actually the first guy to respect me and love me for who i am. And i do care about him, i just wonder sometimes if it is a wise idea to continue with a relationship that is long distance. due to unforseen happenings, i had to leave my college, and home, for my own saftey. he helped me get where i am now, about 400 miles from home with people i don't really know, and a completely new environment, it's like someone threw me in the water with nothing and said i hope you can swim...bye! the last thing i want to do is hurt him. is it best to tell him this, that i don't want a relationship, or continue with the way i am going, and hope it works out? i could really use some help. thanks to any responders.What advice can you give for a long distace relationship?
Long distance relationships are a test of time. lf you're the loyal type, that is good. The question is, is he?

Open all means of communication and be honest.

Hope yours work out fine.What advice can you give for a long distace relationship?
It can work, if you want it to.

But, my advice to you, is to bridge this relationship as soon as possible ... Because some day this ';bridge'; will crumble and then this relationship will slowly die out ...

Since, you say, you ';love him'; ... then this task will be very easy for you - become bold and confess your love for him! You see, love wins over everybody, every situation, every one!
As I often say in these messages remember hes a very good friend or buddy you are both free to fly not joined at the hip ,even if you start dating you are not committed that comes with the Engagement ring,there should be two /three years between dating to engagement and no sex ..

Why in the hell are you all so eager to put labels on folk instead of enjoying yourselves and learn about life and you then wonder why folk dont respect you.

I feel your education colleges let you down in not teaching you to have self respect
Yes they can work! Here a few articles that offer tips on how to make the best of them:

Keep Romance Alive in Long Distance Relationship


End the Fighting in Your Long Distance Relationship!


Long Distance Relationship Advice: How to Make the Most Out of Your Weekend Visits


Long Distance Relationship Advice: How to Know If You're Ready to Move in Together


Hope they help! Good Luck!

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